How to make fresh real Italian ravioli
Hi everyone! Thank you for tuning in. Today we are going to teach you how we make fresh from scratch ravioli at home. This is a typical Italian recipe that my husband uses. As many of you know, my husband Ilario, is an Italian Chef from Sardinia, Italy. Who has worked in top restaurants all over the globe. Many have been asking us how to make certain plates. Ravioli taste amazing but it tastes even better when you make them at home with the freshest of ingredients. At half the cost of a restaurant. Feel free to contact me if you want more recipes or if you have any questions! Enjoy!
. Flour
.Eggs (6)
.Salt (2TBS)
.Water (1/2 Cup)
.Eggs (2)
. Ricotta (1/2 LBS)
. Spinach (1/2 LBS)
. Lemon Juice (3TBS)
. Sugar (1TBS)
. Pepper (1TBS)
. Salt (1TBS)
.Nutmeg (4TBS)
. Shreded Cheese (1 LBS)
Chef: Ilario Mulas
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